Wednesday 9 September 2015

Tape (Again!)

I love tape. I love it because it seems to be the single most used loose part in The Shop of Possibilities and the kids love using it. Since the doors opened in summer 2012, tape has always caught the imagination of the children. It's quick, simple, versatile and can make a huge impact in a short space of time. What's nice about the photos below is that the children who started this off are fairly new to the SOP and so this was their first time at playing with tape. It was lovely to see their excitement, and it not be a repetition of something they liked doing last week or the week before that. Not that repetitive play is any less valuable, but I guess I'd forgotten that initial joy that you see in children when they are trying something out for the first time. It's also fun to watch the slightly cautious faces as they first start to pull the tape around bits of the architecture, discreetly looking over their shoulder to the nearest adult to check they are not going to get in trouble, then when they feel comfortable the pace increases and the real fun begins!

Sorry if you've already seen too many tape related blog posts from us, but it looks like the kids won't be stopping playing with tape for a while...

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