Thursday 20 February 2014

Granny Style

Sometimes children want to play alone and sometimes they want to make the grown ups part of their game. Today became one of those days when Ellie decided that it wasn't good enough for the playworkers to help her dress up, they actually needed to be the ones getting dressed up!

Sarah helps Ellie fashion a long pink skirt

Ellie being shy for the photo

She starts to dress Sarah up in scraps of material

And gets a little carried away!

She then decides that both the playworkers have to dress up like grannies.

And they let Ellie style them however she wanted

The grannies get tucked into their blanket for the finished result

Tamzin tries to scare the old ladies

And then Ellie decides that they need to have a granny race to see which granny is faster
Here's a little video clip of the race:

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